Privacy Policy

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

PSC Business Solutions” means Business Service Solution Outlet own by Professional Services Collective
PSC MART” means Online Retail Outlet own by Professional Services Collective
PSC EHF” means Affiliate Marketing Outlet own by Professional Services Collective

Professional Services Collective Co-op Ltd (PSC Group) is an umbrella body of subsidiary entities and various initiatives and programs. These subsidiary entities, various initiatives and programs may represent/termed by different names, logos, brands, and websites, which distinguishes from umbrella body. Following Privacy policy applicable to entire umbrella body and subsidiary bodies.

Professional Services Collective Co-op Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our clients, potential clients, members, contractors, employees, volunteers, visitors and others. This Privacy Policy describes the practices and processes PSC Group has in place to properly manage and safeguard the information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This privacy and confidentiality policy is dated July 2017 and governs Professional Services Collective Co-op Ltd, PSC Business Solutions, PSC EHF, and PSC MART (“PSC Group”).

PSC Group is required to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’) set out in that Act. The APPs establish minimum standards for the collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information.

They apply to personal information in any form, including electronic and digital form. The APPs can be accessed on the website of the office of the Australian Information Commissioner: PSC Group is also subject to other laws relating to the protection of personal information.

Where PSC Group provides retail and business services, PSC Group may be subject to requirements relating to the privacy of retail customer information. PSC group’s direct marketing activities also comply with the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth) and the Spam Act 2010 (Cth).

If PSC Group collects health information, it may be required to comply with statutory requirements relating to health records. In this Privacy Policy, unless the context otherwise requires:

  • ‘Privacy Law’ refers to any legislative or other legal requirement that applies to PSC Group’s collection, use, disclosure or handling of personal information.
  • ‘Personal information’ means information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether the information or opinion is recorded in material form or not. Personal information includes sensitive information.
  • ‘Sensitive information’ means personal information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or memberships, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, professional or trade association/union memberships, sexual preferences and practices or criminal record.


Personal information

‘Personal information’ is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not.

In general, the type of personal information we collect and hold includes (but is not limited to): names, birth dates, addresses, contact details, occupations, medical history and treatment, memberships and associations, financial and tax records, family situations, next of kin, emergency contact details and other information which assists us in conducting our business, providing and marketing our services and meeting our legal obligations.

Some personal information which we need to collect is ‘sensitive information’. Sensitive information includes information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political affiliation, religious affiliation, mental health, disability, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preferences and criminal record, and other health information.

Personal information is generally collected and held about clients, associates and potential clients, suppliers and their employees, and prospective employees, employees, volunteers and contractors.


Collecting and storing personal information 

We will generally collect personal information by way of forms filled out by people, face-to-face meetings, interviews, business cards, telephone conversations and from the third parties including Government Departments and Community Based Organisations. We also collect personal information from our website and the internet, through receiving subscription applications and emails. We also use third parties to analyse traffic at that website, which may involve the use of cookies.

In some circumstances we may be provided with personal information about an individual from a third party, for example a report provided by a medical professional or a reference from another person. We hold personal information in secure and confidential files maintained in paper and/or electronic form. Sometimes personal information held by us is securely stored with third party data storage providers. We take all reasonable steps to protect personal information held by us from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, for example by use of restricted access to personal records.

The privacy of your information is important to us and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that information about you is not subject to the danger of being lost, destroyed or damaged or of being accessed by unauthorised parties.

However we cannot guarantee the security of information about you and do not accept liability if, despite our efforts, loss or damage arises from a failure to maintain privacy.

We will hold on to the personal information for such periods as necessary for us to conduct our activities and in accordance with the requirements of law.

Reasons for collecting, holding, using and disclosing personal information

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for the primary purposes of conducting our activities which includes:

  • operating our professional service business of providing community related services including employment and training services, any other services
  • operating our various other businesses including PSCMART, PSC Business Solutions and PSC EHF
  • assessing and processing inquiries and requests for the provision of our services
  • marketing, including direct marketing and market research and analysis
  • the general conduct, internal management and operation of our businesses in all respect including relating to management of human resources, assets, risks, services, growth and expansion, and forward planning
  • purchasing goods and services from others and
  • meeting our legal obligations
  • help us create and provide content relevant to you
  • provide you with information about events, training, special offers, product updates and newsletter
  • help us respond to any problems you might have encountered
  • improve the usability and user experience of our website, product and services
  • enhance our customer relationship management

We will not collect personal or sensitive information unless such information is reasonably necessary for the above purposes. If the personal information we request is not provided, we may not be able to provide the relevant service. We collect all information that is necessary to effectively conduct our activities. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected or those authorized by the individual.


Information accessed within the Group and to other Third Party Service Providers

Information may be accessed by personnel within our Group. All personnel within our Group are bound by the same confidentiality laws and standards as provided by Australian Privacy Principles.

Third party service providers may also come into contact with Information when we outsource certain functions, such as: bulk mailing, client experience research, company audits and information technology support. We maintain effective control over such Information at all times and we have contractual arrangements in place with all of our third party service providers to protect Information from unauthorised use or disclosure.


Website, Social Media Platforms, Other Third Party applications/Platforms

For statistical purposes we collect information on website activity (such as number of users who visit our website, the date and time of visits, the number of pages viewed and location). This information does not identify individuals but it does provide us with statistics that can be used to analyse and improve our website. Occasionally we analyse the traffic through our website, which may involve the use of cookies for marketing and market research more generally. See more about our Cookie Policy.


Information Quality, Access and Correction Processes

From time to time, we may take necessary steps to update or verify personal information by collecting personal information from publicly available resources, for example, telephone directories or electoral rolls to improve the integrity of the personal information that we hold.

We provide a transparent system of allowing individuals to access their personal Information and seek corrections to any inaccuracies. Requests for access and correction to personal Information should be made by contacting our HR Department at [email protected] or on 07 3556 8008 (AEST) 9.00am- 5.00pm Monday to Friday.



PSC Group operates a transparent Privacy Complaints Handling Policy that sets out our approach to resolving any privacy complaints in a fair and expeditious manner.

If you are unhappy with the manner in which we have dealt with your personal information, or if you believe that we have breached our obligations under Australian privacy law, please refer to our Privacy Complaints Handling Policy.


Cookie Policy

PSC Group treats your privacy and confidentiality in an important manner.  The Cookie Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.


What is cookie?

Cookies are small pieces of data that websites place on a visitor’s computer. This way a range of information specific for that user can be tracked. With the storage of personal information we need to keep the privacy implications in mind.  These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website, helping us to provide you with an enhanced experience during your visit and also allowing us to improve our website.


Our Cookie Use

PSC Group website uses cookies to remember a user’s selection within our website, in order to provide tailored information specific to the user and also to ensure the same tailored information is provided to the user when return to our website.


Google Remarketing

We use cookies for remarketing purposes.  These cookies are written by Google for the purpose of showing advertisements to users who have previously visited our site as they browse other websites on the internet.  More information on Google Remarketing can be found Google website.


Cookies set by Third Party sites

To support our site and the information we are posting, we sometimes embed photos and video content from website such as YouTube and Flickr.  As a result, when your visit a page with content embedded from, for example. YouTube or Flickr, you may be presented with cookies from these websites.  PSC Group does not control the dissemination of these cookies.  You should check the relevant third party website for more information about these.


Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and see how visitors interact with the site.  This enables us to ensure that users are finding the information that they are looking for more effectively.

If you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set when visiting our website, or indeed any other website, you can do this through your browser settings.  Please note that restricting cookies may impact on the functionality of the site and also you user experience.